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品牌故事-民以食為天,《湘川》則用手做的溫度做料理給家人與親愛朋友並聯繫感情,這樣的方式就是《湘川》的初心。《湘川》是『巧用在地特色食材,成就有生命的美食』料理品牌。希望能透過這個品牌,為您傳遞台灣各地食材的新鮮故事。此外,同時也希望《湘川》能成為您生活裡外出用餐的好選擇。因此,我們打造了多樣化的用餐場合與菜色選配。無論是三五好友小聚 、企業家族聚餐、新婚宴客,皆為您用心規劃好菜色。未來,《湘川》將持續秉持『鮮選在地食材』的頂真精神,為您的每次到來,提供質美味鮮的好味道。讓《湘川》,給您戀戀難忘的美味感動。湘川理念-《湘川》堅持不使用複雜、濃重的醬料、佐料,喧賓奪主甚至影響到食材本身的獨特風味。真正的『原』味,在於用適合的方式,呈現出食材最本質的滋味。在追求食材『自然本味』的同時,更著重於『食材的靈活運用』。透過這樣的巧思,能為不同時節、不同年紀,蒞臨『湘川』的您,帶來豐富精采的舌尖驚喜。簡單事認真做,為您創造更多美食悸動。食品安全,是餐飲事業的一切根本與良心。用餐資訊-■ 酌收 10% 服務費■ 用餐時間 2 小時■ 最低基本消費每位 250 元■ 禁帶外食,違者酌收清潔費 150 元■ 自備酒水,酌收開瓶費每桌 300 元■ 備有特約停車場。提供預約訂位及包場服務■ 另有宴會酒席菜譜(需預訂),請洽詢服務人員■ 提供無線網路營業時間-午餐 11:30~14:00 / 晚餐 17:00~21:00
一、 可預訂隔天到一個月內的訂位,為確保其他客人用餐權益,若需取消或更改訂位請提前告知,如有特殊需求請來電洽詢。二、 線上訂位人數最多為12位(包含需要使用推車或兒童座椅的小朋友),超過請來電預訂。三、 目前因線上訂位系統剛上線僅開放平常日訂位,如需預訂假日時段請來電預訂。四、 如需兒童椅、兒童餐具、素食者、輪椅行動不便或特殊飲食人士請於備註欄註記,另外因本餐廳地形因素,部分座位區需走階梯,若有長輩或行動不便人士也請於備註欄註記。五、 訂位成功後,系統將發送訂位簡訊,如需更改訂位人數等資訊,可於系統取消原訂位再重新預訂或於營業時間來電詢問。六、 用餐當日如需調整人數等資訊,請來電詢問,服務人員將依當日狀況為您做調整。
Booked 2 times today
Booked 1 time today
Lunch: 11:30 pm - 2:30 pmLast Order 2:00pmDinner: 5:30 pm - 9:30 pmLast Order: 9:00pm- Please kindly provide specific number of persons (including numbers of children) when making a reservation to ensure seating comfort. - Online reservation is not applicable for specific table and private dining rooms. - Any kind of credit card benefit is not applicable for National Holidays and private dining room. National Holidays are as follows: 2024 New Year’s Day (1/1), Chinese New Year Festival and Valentine's Day (2/8-2/14), Peace Memorial Day (2/28), Tomb-Sweeping Day (4/4-4/7), Labor Day (5/1),Mother's Day (5/11-5/12), Dragon Boat Festival (6/8-6/10),Father’s day (8/8), Chinese Valentine's Day (8/10), Moon Festival (9/17), National Day (10/10), Christmas Day (12/24-12/25), 2025New Year’s Day(2024/12/31- 2025/1/1) - Corkage fee applies. NT$500 for wines/ per bottle; NT$1,000 for spirits/ per bottle- Group guests who make reservations separately cannot combine tablesDishes below require advance reservation:- Roasted Duck (Whole) Requires 2 days advance notice - Double-Boiled Fish Maw and Chinese Cabbage with Chicken Consomme (preparation time: 45mins)- Steamed King Crab Claw with Rice Wine. (Requires two days advance notice)
We will adjust our opening time since 1st June 2024. -2024 Opening Time- 【Lunch】:12:00~14:30 【Dinner】:18:00~21:30Closed on every Monday.⚠️ 【Booking Reminders】1. Seat reservations for the next month are available at 12:00 AM on the 1st day of the current month. (i.e. November 1st for the month of December, December 1st for the month of January.)2. When booking for a seat reservation, guests will be required to provide their credit card information as a guarantee. If the reservation is cancelled within 48 hours before the reserved schedule, a NON-refundable cancellation fee of 500NT per person will be charged.3. We do not offer window views for these reservations. Seats are based on the on-site arrangement for the day. For reservation more than 5 people, please contact us +8862-2181-9985 and +8862-2181-9986 (Service Time 10:00 - 20:00)4. Pre-order dishes are available in limited quantities. If you need to pre-order, please contact the service staff as soon as possible.? [Restaurant Dress Code]The restaurant reserves the right to refuse guests who do not meet the clothing requirements to dine in.1. Ladies are not allowed to wear slippers.2. Gentlemen and young men over the age of 8 are required to wear long trousers and close-toe shoes. Sandals, slippers, shorts, and vests are not allowed.? [Conduct Inside the Restaurant]In order to maintain a quiet, comfortable, and sanitary dining environment, please note the following:1. Be mindful of your fellow patrons while dining and keep your volume to a minimum.2. We respectfully ask parents and guardians to remind their children to refrain from being rowdy so as not to disturb other guests.3. Pets are not allowed inside the restaurant with the exception of guide dogs.4. According to the law of "Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act", smoking is prohibited in all indoor public areas. Including e-cigarette and cigar.? [Beverage Service Fees]The restaurant charges a corkage fee for the guests who bring their own alcohol. The fees are as follows:1.Red and white wine NT$1200/bottle (750ml)2.Spirits NT$2000/bottle (1000ml)If you need additional glass, it will be charged at an additional NT$100/a wineglass.? [Celebrations]If you are celebrating a birthday, please let us know in advance so we can serve you a birthday peach bun.? 【Other matters needing attention】1. All prices mentioned above are in New Taiwan Dollars, exclusive of a 10% service charge.2. The restaurant has formulated the above instructions in order to provide guests with a quality dining experience and to allow our employees to serve you better. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Booked 4 times today
Customers with reservations will be given priority seating based on the current situation. If the venue is busy, please be prepared to wait for a short while.
Booked 2 times today
親愛的 春韭-晴光店貴賓 您好【預約訂位注意事項,敬請詳閱】?營業時間:每週二~每週日中午12:00至下午14:00,晚上18:00至晚上21:00,每週一公休,相關聯繫事宜,敬請於營業時間內來電。1.我們提供新台菜無菜單料理,以人頭計費(用餐人數至少需有6位),4種餐費選擇,分別為新台幣1200元、1800元、2500元、35 00元,不再另計10%服務費,尚無提供刷卡服務與素食菜品。1200元套餐,僅限平日中午供應。2.線上預約請務必備註餐點價格,您才會收到匯款簡訊,完成匯款後需拍照、回傳交易明細至簡訊連結內的系統,並按『我已付款』才代表預約成功。3.收到預約成功簡訊後,請於3日內(含)完成匯款,且須於匯款簡訊之連結完成點選『我已付款』才代表預約成功,逾期系統將自行取消訂位,餐廳不另行通知。4.若『自行匯款』後無回傳回條或來電確認告知者,恕不代表預約成功。5.訂位成功後需知:『用餐日(含)4日前』可更改用餐人數與日期或改期、取消,4日內取消,則須收取全額餐費,依訂席人數出餐。 舉例: *用餐日3/11 (星期六),欲用餐人數與日期或取消訂位,請於3/7 (星期二) 通知。 *用餐日3/10 (星期五),欲用餐人數與日期或取消訂位,本餐廳每週一公休,故請於3/5 (星期天) 通知。6.餐廳古董老件稜角較多,為顧及整體用餐環境與孩童安全性,不開放10歲以下孩童入內用餐,未提供兒童餐、椅、餐具,11歲以上孩童,則需計算訂位人數。7.為維持良好的用餐環境,本場所室內全面禁煙、無提供投影服務、禁止釘、貼等場地佈置、播放個人音響、麥克風擴大機…等設備,以共同維護良好的用餐品質。8.未提供素食者菜品/如有隨行貴賓酌收清潔費$500/每位。部分菜品含有魚翅,若有忌口請提早告知。9.禁帶外食與飲料,不接受除導盲犬外的寵物入內。10.開瓶費收費標準:每瓶收取新台幣600元開瓶費(不提供換杯服務)或每人每款杯型收取新台幣100元/個洗杯費。11.用餐空間須知:欲指定樓層或桌型者,請務必於訂位時提前告知。A.一樓分為大廳與包廂,均為獨立空間,用餐桌型:長條方桌。B.二樓為獨立空間,用餐桌型:圓桌,化妝室位於1樓,基本消費新台幣16,000元。C.三樓為獨立空間,用餐桌型:圓桌,有化妝室,基本消費新台幣20,000元。化妝室位於餐廳一樓,無電梯,如有孕婦、孩童、老人等,上下樓梯,請特別留意出入安全。週二~週五平日中午用餐時段,特別推出小資餐?五人小資餐:每套新台幣3,995元,2-5人可使用此套餐。以上小資餐可享『和牛黃金包』內用加購優惠價每個新台幣99元,需提前1日預訂。六人用餐人數以上恕不適用上述方案,僅限選擇私廚套餐。註:2024年8月1日起,我們提供新台菜無菜單料理,以人頭計費(用餐人數至少需有6位),更新4種餐費選擇,分別為新台幣1200元、1800元、2500元、3500元,不再另計10%服務費,尚無提供刷卡服務與素食菜品。1200元套餐,僅限平日中午供應。系統僅接受45天內預約訂位敬請知悉,謝謝
) [春韭IG](
Booked 1 time today
TIEN HSIANG LOTaste delicacies from West Lake, enjoy the elegant style of the Song Dynasty. Su Dongpo, a poet of the Song Dynasty, once praised “the prosperity of the world banquet is not as good as Hangzhou”!Hangzhou is known as the “Land of much fish and rice, the home of silk, and the state of culture”. It was the capital city of the Southern Song.Dynasty, during which the booming humanities and gourmet cultures were at their peak in what was called the Chinese Renaissance. The gathering of scholars and literati has made Hangzhou cuisine the representative of Chinese fine food culture.Tien Hsiang Lo of the Landis Taipei Hotel is derived from Tien Hsiang Lo in Hong Kong, which originally came from Hangzhou. It adheres to the authentic taste of Hangzhou’s traditional dishes, while following the essential cuisine culture of Hangzhou, presenting the diversity ofHangzhou cuisine. Combined with an interior design that reflects the ten scenic spots of West Lake, poetry that praises the local cuisine and feast, it portrays the aesthetics of the space and the profound humanistic feelings of the delicate Hangzhou cuisine. Then extension of the four arts from Song Dynasty - tea, flower arranging, painting, and incense, fill every corner of the space with the ultimate taste of life that people in the Song Dynasty admired.“Reflecting West Lake, showing the charm of the Song Dynasty”, Tien Hsiang Lo invites you to enjoy the charming beauty of Hangzhou cuisine.◎《2024 Michelin One Star by Michelin Guide Taiwan》◎《2024 Wine Spectator》Best of Award of Excellence. An affirmation that it is the best choice Taipei restaurant for having an ultimate dining and wine feasting in Taipei.*Certain dishes from our à la carte require preorder - refer to our menu to understand specific number of days for preparation. Please contact restaurant or specify in NOTE box about reserving menu items.
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