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2025 Year Price & Time Breakfast (Monday to Sunday) 6:30~10:00 NT$880+10% per person★ Weekday meal timesLunch (Monday to Friday) 11:30~14:00 NT$1580+10% per personAfternoon tea (Monday to Friday) 14:30~16:30 NT$1080+10% per personDinner (Monday to Thursday) 17:30~21:30 NT$1680+10% per person★Holiday meal periodFriday dinner 17:30~21:30 NT$2080+10% per personHoliday lunch 11:30~14:00 NT$2080+10% per personHoliday Afternoon Tea 14:30~16:30 NT$1380+10% per personHoliday dinner 17:30~21:30 NT$2080+10% per person●Special holidays in 2025 are as follows:New Year’s Day (1/1), Chinese New Year Festival (1/25-2/2), Valentine's Day(2/14-16), peace remembrance day(2/28-3/2),Tomb Sweeping Day& Children's Day (4/3-4/6),Mother's Day (5/10-5/111), Dragon Boat Festival (5/30-6/1), Father's Day (8/8-10),Chinese Valentine's Day(8/29-31), Moon Festival (10/4-10/6), National Day (10/10-10/12), Christmas Day (12/24-12/25), New Year’s Day(12/30- 2026/1/1)💡The reserved seat will be reserved for 10 minutes. If it exceeds the time limit, the reservation will be canceled without further notice.💡Please include the number of children in your reservation to ensure dining comfort.💡Children under 100cm in height are free of charge; children over 100cm in height but less than 130cm in height are charged half price for the meal period.💡Online reservations are not available for designated table numbers and private rooms. Please contact the restaurant service staff to make reservations.💡If the same group makes online reservations with different names, we will not be able to provide table sharing requests.💡Meal prices and business hours for consecutive national holidays and special festivals are subject to on-site announcements.💡The service fee for bringing your own wine is NT500 per bottle of wine and NT1,000 per bottle of spirits.💡Discounts cannot be combined.💡If you use a meal coupon, please follow the instructions on the coupon for usage rules and meal prices.💡Special festivals, national holidays and private rooms are not applicable to cooperative credit card discounts and meal coupons2024 Year Price & TimeBreakfast (Monday to Sunday) 6:30~10:00 NT$880+10% per person★ Weekday meal timesLunch (Monday to Friday) 11:30~14:00 NT$1580+10% per personAfternoon tea (Monday to Friday) 14:30~16:30 NT$1080+10% per personDinner (Monday to Thursday) 17:30~21:30 NT$1680+10% per person★Holiday meal periodFriday dinner 17:30~21:30 NT$1980+10% per personHoliday lunch 11:30~14:00 NT$1980+10% per personHoliday Afternoon Tea 14:30~16:30 NT$1280+10% per personHoliday dinner 17:30~21:30 NT$1980+10% per person●Special holidays in 2024 are as follows:New Year's Day holiday (2024/1/1), Chinese New Year period (2/8-2/14), Peace Memorial Day (2/28), Qingming Festival holiday period (4/4-4/7), Labor Day ( 5/1), Mother’s Day (5/11-5/12), Dragon Boat Festival (6/8-6/10), Father’s Day (8/8), Chinese Valentine’s Day (8/10), Mid-Autumn Festival (9/17), National Day (10/10), Christmas period (12/24-12/25), New Year’s Eve (12/31)
Booked 14 times today
1.Please fill in desired dining period or number of people for reservation (a confirmation notification will be sent via SMS after reservation is completed).2.Reservations for the day and within the next month are available.The maximum number of people for reservation is 8 (reservations number of people over 8 must be made through phone calls).3.Please make a note if children’s highchairs or children’s dining ware are required.4.If you have made a reservation successfully but need to alter the number of people, please cancel the original reservation directly in the system and make a new reservation in the system.5.If the number of people needs to be changed on the dining day, please attempt to make a new reservation or call to inquire in order to ensure whether or not the reservation has already been altered; suitable seats may not be arranged on-site if we are not informed in advance of the change in the number of people.6.If the desired dining period or number of people for reservation cannot be selected, it means that the period is already fully booked, please choose other dining periods.7.Reservations for Roast Peking Duck from Chiu Yuet Fong must be made 3 days in advance.“Hot Pot/Japanese Cuisine/Sushi” section is available at Haruyama Japanese Cuisine, please enter the text at the text note in the back.8.Any dietary restrictions can be noted and revised via the online reservation system 5 days prior to the reservation day (not including the reserved date)**Deposite Policy:**For reservations that has 15 or more people, a NT$500/person deposit is required. The deposit will be fully refundable if cancellation is made 7 days prior to the reservation day (not including the reserved date).
Booked 2 times today
※For reservation for 19 persons above, please contact us by telephone.Breakfast 06:30-10:00 (walk-ins only)Lunch 11:30-14:00Dinner 18:00-21:30Breakfast Buffet: Adult NT$860 Child NT$430Monday to Friday Lunch Buffet: Adult NT$1480 Child NT$740Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday Lunch Buffet: Adult NT$1680 Child NT$840Monday to Thursday Dinner Buffet: Adult NT$1480 Child NT$740Friday to Sunday and Public Holiday Dinner Buffet: Adult NT$1680 Child NT$840※ All prices are subject to a 10% service chargeChild price applies for age 6-12. Identification document would be needed for child price.
$$$$Price: Expensive
• International • Da'an District
1. Please fill in desired dining period or number of people for reservation (a confirmation notification will be sent via SMS after reservation is completed).2. Reservations for the day and within the next month are available.The maximum number of people for reservation is 8 (reservations number of people over 8 must be made through phone calls).3. Please make a note if children’s highchairs or children’s dining ware are required.4. If you have made a reservation successfully but need to alter the number of people, please cancel the original reservation directly in the system and make a new reservation in the system.5. If the number of people needs to be changed on the dining day, please attempt to make a new reservation or call to inquire in order to ensure whether or not the reservation has already been altered; suitable seats may not be arranged on-site if we are not informed in advance of the change in the number of people.6. If the desired dining period or number of people for reservation cannot be selected, it means that the period is already fully booked, please choose other dining periods.7. Please note if you have any dietary restrictions or preferenes.
※The Bar Reservation and customer service line: 02-7750-0936.※Opening hours: 18:00-24:30※Promote responsible drinking. If drunken vomiting affects on-site operations, a special cleaning fee of NT6,000 will be charged.※Live piano performance every Thursday to Saturday, and the performance time is 20:30-22:30.※In accordance with government regulations, after 21:00, those under the age of 18 are not allowed to enter.
Booked 1 time today
加入會員請點我:2024/7/1起典華停車場委任USPACE提供「收費」停車服務,詳情請洽:------------------【尾牙聚餐】15人再送2人,平日晚餐加碼送「美國戰斧牛」!1. 平日全餐期訂購尾牙方案並完成支付訂金者,享15人再送2人(共17人)優惠。2. 平日晚餐加碼送「美國戰斧牛」乙份(價值$4,599) (需三天前預訂、平日晚餐限定)。營業時間:●午餐用餐時間 11:30am 到 2:00pm平日(每位) NT$1,099+10%假日(每位) NT$1,399+10%●下午餐用餐時間 2:30pm 到 4:30pm平日(每位) NT$849+10%假日(每位) NT$999+10%●晚餐用餐時間 5:30pm 到 9:00pm平日(每位) NT$1,299+10%假日(每位) NT$1,399+10%●孩童:101~140CM每位半價+10%;80~100CM每位NT$150+10%。✨訂位座位保留10分鐘,逾時將取消訂位,不另行通知。✨訂位人數請包含孩童人數,以符合用餐舒適度。✨座位的安排,依當日現場調配為主。✨請恕不提供指定桌號訂位,如有特殊需求(ex:行動不便..)請致電餐廳訂位。✨特殊節慶假日無法提供線上訂位,請洽餐廳訂位。✨如預定人數與實際到場人不符,將視情況調整至符合人數之座位✨同一團體分開不同人名線上訂位,恕無法提供併桌需求。✨若使用餐券,使用規則以及餐價請依券上說明使用。✨訂位人數10位(含)以上需支付每人$300元定金,訂位完成請靜候專員連繫。✨農曆春節期間(除夕至初五)收費標準依官網公告為準✨2025年國定假日日期如下:1/1(三)【元旦】、1/27(一)~1/31(五)【春節期間特殊節日收費】、2/28(五)【二二八】、4/3(四)~4/6(日)【清明節連假】、5/1(四)【勞動節】、5/30(五)~6/1(日)【端午節連假】、10/4(六)~10/6(一)【中秋節連假】、10/10(五)~10/12(日)【國慶日連假】
※Reservation and customer service Telephone: 02-7750-0935.※Opening Hours: 10:00-19:00※For reservations of more than 5 people (including), please call Platform from 10:00 to 19:00 every day, and the service specialist will serve you.※Seats are arranged according to the on-site situation and cannot be assigned.
※ For reservation please contact us 02-77500933.※ Please pay the deposit to complete the reservation.※ Roasted peking duck, set menu and feast have to pre-order 2 days in advance.
【 歡迎使用四季咖啡廳訂位/候位系統 】⚠️訂位系統開放期間為每月25日晚上18:00起,開放兩個月後之月份訂位(例如10月25日將開放12月份訂位)⚠️寬敞典雅的圓弧空間,精緻冷盤熱食、新鮮海陸自助百匯及動人的手工甜點,讓味蕾在四季美食中盡情解放!📌親愛的顧客您好,非常感謝長久以來對尊爵大飯店的支持與愛護,因應原物料及人力成本持續上漲,四季咖啡廳自2025/1/1起將價格進行調整。營業時間:週六~週日 中午 12:00-14:00調整售價:成人NT$1,180+10%📌官網詳情:【線上訂位需知】💡訂位請填寫正確人數(含嬰幼兒及孩童),以提供舒適用餐座位。如需兒童椅或兒童餐具請於備註欄註記。💡四季咖啡廳訂位,將依訂位人數預收全額訂金。💡餐廳於用餐日前10~14天陸續以簡訊(或有效Email)寄送付款連結。💡三日內未完成全額訂金付款(以簡訊寄送日計),視同取消訂位,餐廳將主動取消訂位,不另通知。💡若您在用餐當日前兩日內(含用餐當日),更改用餐人數或取消訂位,已預收之訂金恕無法退還,不便之處敬請見諒。【注意事項】💡訂位保留10分鐘,逾時座位將取消不再另行通知。💡不得與其它優惠併用。💡為維護食品衛生安全,取餐時建議戴上口罩。💡本餐廳禁帶外食,敬請配合,謝謝!!💡本餐廳請勿攜帶寵物入內 (導盲犬除外,需事先告知),不便之處敬請見諒。💡用餐停車優惠兩小時。🔻營業時間週六及週日:午餐時段12:00-14:00,其餘開放時段請依照INLINE系統為主🔻費用計價成人:NT$1,180+10% /位兒童:成人餐價5折,需另加原價10%服務費幼童:清潔費NT$150,不另收服務費 🔻計價準則※『成人』12歲(含)以上※『兒童』6歲(含)~未滿12歲※『幼童』2歲(含)~未滿6歲※ 未滿2歲孩童免費。※ 幼童須出示健保卡或其他有效身份證明文件🔻其他說明1、以上餐價恕不適用於 農曆除夕、農曆春節、中西情人節、母親節、父親節、耶誕夜、跨年夜等特殊節慶;依現場公告為主。2、平日如遇政府公告之國定假日,彈性放假日,皆依假日計費;政府公告之補班日,則依平日餐價計費。3、早、晚餐時段及平日中餐時段,暫無對外開放。
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