$$$$Price: Expensive • Steak • Nantun District
【 House Rules用餐須知】訂位來電預訂04-24710033 (入座前30分鐘 )※無特約停車 ※用餐時間90分鐘 ——————————————————————————※需預訂餐點: ✾ 乾式熟成帶骨肋眼牛排(熟成28天) ✾ $600/ 100g(每日限量 500-600g 1-2份)如需預訂,請於訂位後來電告知——————————————————————————【餐廳營業時間】Lunch午餐11:30 am - 3 pm (Last order最後點餐1:30 pm)Dinner晚餐5:30 pm - 9 pm (Last order最後點餐8:30 pm)【慶生Birthday 】1.可點餐後甜點,請告知服務人員需要慶生蠟燭。For the birthday, please inform our staff for a free extra candle on your after meal dessert. 【寵物Pet Rules 】只接受提袋,不露出頭,不出聲即可。Pet friendly. Please keep your pet in a BAG without showing its head or body, and please make no noise.【開瓶費 Corkage Fee 】1.啤酒、紅酒、白酒開瓶費:一瓶NT$500We charge corkage fee of NT$500 per a bottle for Red wine, White wine, and Champagne. 2.烈酒(eg.威士忌)開瓶費:一瓶NT$ 800We charge corkage fee of NT$800 per bottle for Spirits. (eg. whiskey)3.香檳開瓶費:一瓶NT$ 1000We charge corkage fee of NT$1000 per a bottle for Champagne. 【訂金Deposit 】1.人數達5人或以上預約訂位,酌收訂金一人$400。請於營業時間來電04 2471 0033,我們會協助您完成訂位手續。For the party of 5 or more,Please contact with 04 2471 0033.We will assist you with your reservation.(Please note that there will be NT$400 deposit per person)*特殊節日/特殊訂位 訂金$500/每人*特殊節慶/特殊菜單付訂後一律不提供取消訂金,敬請見諒~可擇一個月內日期前來消費確認匯款後,訂位才算成功,會有專人與您聯絡。Reservation is complete once we received the deposit. We will contact you to confirm your reservation.匯款後,取消訂位請於匯款 3日內取消,如臨時取消或未到則恕不退訂。If you wish to cancel your reservation, please proceed within 3 days starting from the payment of deposit. We will not return your deposit if you cannot come but only inform us on short notice or when fail to show.【低消 Minimum Charge 】400元/人We run a minimum charge of NT$400 per person.🔺訂位請勿過度早到或遲到,為確保各時段出菜及服務品質,只能於您訂位的時間由服務人員安排入座。如早到者無法提早入座,晚到者則會稍後再服務,如有不便,敬請見諒。🔺請注意,餐廳接受並歡迎孩童,但如有尖叫的小孩,我們將溫馨提醒告知家長協助安撫,如打擾其他客人用餐者,恕不提供服務。🔺特殊假日可能為套餐,訂位後會收到「簡訊訂金通知」, 當日菜色不固定,如有異議請勿直接線上訂位,或請來電詢問04-24710033。周邊停車場資訊:(無配合)1/ 🅿️ 大墩三街停車場 (大墩三街64號)2/🅿️ Go Line停車場聯盟(五權西路二段7號)3/🅿️ Times 台中大墩五街停車場(大墩五街330號)4/🅿️ 幸福車房停車場 - 東興站(大墩四街72號)