Best Bistros in Da'an District
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For providing better service, we have compiled following information for your reference. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.We hope to see you soon!- Reservations can be made by online or by phone call (02)2755529.- We take reservations up to 14 days in advance.- We'll hold your table for 10 minutes, in case you arrive late.- Minimum order is a dish per person.- Corkage Charge:- WINE: 500 NTD per bottle. - SPIRITS:1000 NTD per bottle.- Buy out, rent out, catering, cooperation… or any other special requests, please feel free to contact us by phone call or email.- Opening Hours:17:30-22:30 (last order at 21:30)- Address:No. 14, Aly. 6, Ln. 170, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd; Xinyi Dist; Taipei City - Gastronomy&DraftThe name of the restaurant is inspired by the concept of gastronomy and art. Named after the word museum from Esperanto.Positioning Gastronomy & Draft, “Bistronomy” is combining Bisrto and Gastronomy. Its attribute is between traditional bistro and an upscale restaurant. “Draft” means taking liquor from the wine barrel by 手壓唧筒. It serves not only the beers in the market also red / white wine and self-made cocktail.For Muzeo, every dish we present it’s like artwork, everyone who participated in are artists. The dinning plates represent the artist’s canvases, where chefs can creatively express their culinary ideas without any limitations on ingredients and cooking techniques, the goal is to give people the best tasting experience. Based on solid fine dining training techniques, team Muzeo combines local ingredients with European cooking styles, presenting reasonable modernized Taiwan Tapas on the table.
**【訂位須知】**1. 僅接受30天內的訂位,用餐時間依訂位時間起120分鐘。2. 如需更改訂位時間、用餐人數、確認訂位資訊,請致電門市將有專人為您服務。3. 如需取消訂位,煩請來電洽詢或依照簡訊指示取消訂位。4. 不提供當日訂位,若有需求歡迎來電詢問訂位狀況。5. 訂位時間保留10分鐘逾時取消,如需延長保留時間請電洽,將視當日訂位狀況安排。*超過8人以上訂位請來電預約,將由專員為您服務,大組數訂位需酌收訂金,訂金可折抵當日餐費,可選擇臨店支付或ATM轉帳。**【壽星優惠活動】**『當月壽星,四人同行,一人免費』!1. 每日壽星優惠名額皆為限量供應,需用餐前預約壽星優惠,結帳後恕無法再提供優惠減免。2. 訂位人數需四位(含)以上,用餐人數需至少四位,並消費四份岩燒套餐,四位以下用餐則無法使用壽星優惠。3. 壽星優惠每人每日限用一次,當月使用次數不限。4. 用餐當日壽星本人需攜帶”附照片”之正本有效證件,供店員查看確認,若未攜帶者則無法使用壽星優惠。(如身分證或駕照等)5.若壽星為小朋友,則需攜帶健保卡供店員確認。6.單人套餐及雙人套餐適用壽星優惠,兒童餐、法式蔬食套餐、午間輕食與單點類餐點恕不適用。7.壽星優惠活動恕不可與其他活動併用。(例:黃金會員免服務費、特殊節日、特約廠商等)8.折扣餐點為當日用餐價位最低之套餐,而非壽星所點選的套餐做優惠。9.使用壽星優惠方案仍須支付餐點原價10%服務費。10.春節連假、西洋情人節、七夕情人節、平安夜、聖誕節,皆無法使用此優惠,依各店公告為準。*此活動僅適用於「凱恩斯岩燒牛排」,其他品牌不適用。**【營業時間】****【台北大安店】**[平日]供餐時間:11:30-14:30營業時間:11:30-15:00供餐時間:17:30-20:30營業時間:17:30-22:00[假日]供餐時間:11:30 - 20:30營業時間:11:30 - 22:00**【台中崇德店】**[平日]供餐時間:11:30 - 20:00營業時間:11:30 - 21:30[假日]供餐時間:11:30 - 20:10營業時間:11:30 - 22:00**【台中公益店】**[平日]供餐時間:11:30 - 20:30營業時間:11:30 - 22:00[假日]供餐時間:11:30 - 20:30營業時間:11:30 - 22:00**【高雄巨蛋店】**[平日]供餐時間:11:30-13:30營業時間:11:30-15:00供餐時間: 17:30-20:30營業時間: 17:30-22:00[假日]供餐時間:11:30 - 20:30營業時間:11:30 - 22:00**【午間輕食】**1. 台北大安店與台中公益店與高雄巨蛋店供應時間為:平日,11:30 - 13:302. 台中崇德店供應時間為:平日,11:30 - 15:003.春節期間與特殊節日恕不提供,特殊節日依各店公告為準4.不適用壽星優惠活動
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