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一般訂位原則:1. 用餐時段分為12:00~14:00 / 17:30~19:20 / 19:30~21:30 三個時段,除特定休假日另行公佈外,無公休日。2. 線上預訂可預訂60天內的訂位,電話預訂可預訂至下個月月底之前之訂位。3. 線上訂位最多可訂8位,超過8位請使用電話預約0975-851010。4. 小孩食用大人套餐煩請訂位歸類為『大人』。5. 本店沒有兒童座椅,若有嬰兒推車請於備註註名。6. 恕不接受素食訂位。7. 有任何食物禁忌請提前告知並備註,不吃生食者僅提供全熟食定食套餐。8. 本餐廳為無菜單板前日本料理,皆為板前位置無包廂,每位1,500元+10%服務費,自2023年7月1日起,調整為每位1,600元+10%服務費。9. 未滿12歲以下兒童無低消限制,可點兒童餐980元+10%服務費亦或單點,餐點包含海鮮蒸蛋、和牛蓋飯、可爾必思、一道熟食、厚蛋燒、味增湯、甜點或水果。10. 全面禁帶外食及飲料,若有自備蛋糕需求請來電告知,建議蛋糕不宜過大、包裝不宜過高,若是冰箱放置不下只能放置常溫。11. 任何時段遲到超過原訂位時間過久,店家保有視同取消訂位的權利。12. 訂位時需留下信用卡資料以完成訂位手續。13. 本店禁止攜帶寵物,導盲犬除外。14. 自行帶酒酌收1個杯子洗杯費100元+10%服務費,自行攜帶酒杯也會收取一個杯子100元+10%服務費。15. 當月壽星需提前3天致電告知,或是於inline上訂位時於備註欄位備註。
?Traffic informationSOGO Department Store, Dunhua Hall, 7th Floor, near Renai Circle, next to Fuxing Primary and Secondary School. The department store can be parked, and the restaurant can be used for parking. The maximum limit is 3 hours. More than 3 hours are subject to department store charges.It is close to MRT Zhongxiao Fuxing and Zhongxiao Dunhua, Exit 12 of the Eastern District Underground Street, and arrives in 2 minutes.?Special seat requirementsIf you have special requirements for the seat (baby carriage, wheelchair, etc.), please contact us.? Corkage feeCorkage fee for wine is NT$800 per bottle, and for spirits is NT$1,500 per bottle. If you order wine at our restaurant, you can get corkage fee free. ? CelebrationFor birthday, anniversary or other celebrations, please let us know in advance.? Dietary restrictionsIf you have dietary restrictions, please let us know in advance when booking, our chef will adjust the menu with the ingredients available on the day.???? group activity• The reservation is guaranteed with credit card authorization form, and a group of 6 or more people must pay 30% deposit.• Groups of 10 or more people are advised to order food in advance to facilitate the restaurant to prepare in advance and provide better services.• For independent privacy, our restaurant is equipped with a choice of private room for up to 6 people, from NT$10,000.• For special events, please contact us
$$$$Price: Expensive
• Cantonese • Da'an District
Booked 3 times today
1. Please fill in desired dining period or number of people for reservation (a confirmation notification will be sent via SMS after reservation is completed).2. Reservations for the day and within the next month are available.The maximum number of people for reservation is 8 (reservations number of people over 8 must be made through phone calls).3. Please make a note if children’s highchairs or children’s dining ware are required.4. If you have made a reservation successfully but need to alter the number of people, please cancel the original reservation directly in the system and make a new reservation in the system.5. If the number of people needs to be changed on the dining day, please attempt to make a new reservation or call to inquire in order to ensure whether or not the reservation has already been altered; suitable seats may not be arranged on-site if we are not informed in advance of the change in the number of people.6. If the desired dining period or number of people for reservation cannot be selected, it means that the period is already fully booked, please choose other dining periods.7. Please note if you have any dietary restrictions or preferenes.
$$$$Price: Moderate
• Bar / Lounge / Bottle Service • Da'an District
[ 訂位須知 ]/Opening Hour週一至週四18:00-01:00週五至週六,分為兩場次18:00-22:00,22:00-02:00每週日為固定公休/Last order最後酒水加點時間平日(週一至週四):00:00假日(週五及週六):01:00/Minimun charge低消非包廂座位平日(週一至週四) 500元/人假日(週五及週六) 600元/人包廂座位平日(週一至週四) 8000元假日(週五及週六) 10000元/場次服務費10%另計/用餐時段・週五-週六及例假日、特殊節日為2小時・週一-週四如後續無其他訂位無時間限制/訂位規則・訂位僅保留10分鐘,逾時視同放棄訂位不另外以電話通知如有未出席紀錄者一律列入店家黑名單・僅開放30天內訂位,為確保服務品質訂位人數最多僅接受12位請見諒禁止同組客人分開訂位,入場時如有臨時擅自加減人數之狀況,店家有權不收客如有包場需求歡迎來電聯繫・為維護所有客人權益,恕不接受臨時現場增減人數如需更改人數請於訂位時間30分鐘前主動來電告知若無提前告知減少人數將收取原訂位人數低消且店家有權利不收客/注意事項・禁止於室內吸煙及電子煙・恕不接受18歲以下孩童及寵物入內・以安全性考量請避免穿著拖鞋・如需嘔吐請至洗手間或向服務人員拿取垃圾袋,若吐在馬桶及垃圾袋以外的地方需酌收清潔費3000元・禁帶外食,包含各式飲料如有攜帶慶生蛋糕需求歡迎提前來電告知,不另收生日蛋糕清潔費,因此無法提供蛋糕分切、餐具、蠟燭或甜點畫盤之服務不接受攜帶任何佈置用品,若有因慶生活動造成髒亂需酌收3000元・禁止酒醉鬧事及騷擾客人、服務人員,否則將協助報警處理請自重
***[季節套餐-阿爾薩斯]-(2024.12.17~)***午餐:Set Lunch (3 courses) $1,180-orSet Alsace (7 courses) $2,880-晚餐:Set Alsace (7 courses) $2,880-套餐內容敬請期待。請於備註讓我們先知道,若您與同行友人會因過敏、信仰、藥物療程而不能吃:✩鴨肝派✩乳鴿✩紐西蘭鹿肉本季無法提供「海鮮素」、「無乳製品」菜單。請於訂位資訊欄附上備註或"至少於用餐日前"告知我們,我們將盡可能協助您,無法於入席後臨時新增替換需求。________***[季節套餐-諾曼第]-(2024.09.25~2024.12.14)***午餐:Set Lunch (3 courses) $1,180-orSet Normandie (7 courses) $2,880-晚餐:Set Normandie (7 courses) $2,880-套餐內容詳見至底。請於備註讓我們先知道,若您與同行友人會因過敏、信仰、藥物療程而不能吃:✩牛肚(一口大小的開胃小點)✩蟹肉(熟食,愛爾蘭麵包蟹)✩淡菜, 鳳螺, 干貝.等貝類海鮮✩羊肉(晚餐主餐是羊,務必提前告知,無法臨時替換)✩花生本季無法提供「無海鮮」、「無乳製品」菜單。請於訂位資訊欄附上備註或"至少於用餐日前"告知我們,我們將盡可能協助您,無法於入席後臨時新增替換需求。________[自備酒水服務費]$500每瓶開瓶(750ml)或$120每使用乙只酒杯。將按人數或酒款數量為您擇優計算。______[自備蛋糕服務費]若自備蛋糕於餐廳內食用,酌收每顆蛋糕(不分尺寸)$200之清潔費,我們將為您呈盤上桌、分切分食。我們很樂意為壽星準備小蛋糕與蠟燭,請於訂位備註讓我們提前知道,我們無法實現臨時要求,無寫字畫盤。_____[餐廳資訊]午餐12:00至14:30,最後入席12:45;晚餐18:00至22:00,最後入席19:00。週日、週一固定公休。02-87720372 開放時段為每週二至週六 14:30至17:30,或以官方信箱 komboitaipei@gmail.com聯繫我們。_____[訂位須知]開放30日內的1~4位用餐訂位,若有5~6人需求請透過官方信箱或電話。用餐空間皆為聯通區域,尚無獨立包廂之配置,單一組別上限為 6 位。_____[兒童資訊]供應酒精性飲料,空間不足容納嬰兒推車,適合成年人前來。我們也歡迎能獨立用餐的孩童,未提供兒童餐點、兒童椅及任何用具,請避免嬰幼兒同行。_____[最低消費]午餐每人最低消費NT$1,180;晚餐每人最低消費NT$2,880。______[其它]洗手間位於地下一樓,需步行下樓梯,尚無完全無障礙動線,十分感謝諒解。我們未提供外帶,亦無任何包裝容器。請勿攜帶外食及飲料。我們謝絕攜帶寵物入內,導盲犬或工作犬不在此限,但請提前告知。任何商業或營利等公開用途之拍攝或採訪需求,煩請先至官方信箱聯繫,將由專人協助溝通與安排;未經事前溝通安排的活動將不被允許。
$$$$Price: Moderate
• Chinese • Da'an District
1. Please fill in desired dining period or number of people for reservation (a confirmation notification will be sent via SMS after reservation is completed).2. Reservations for the day and within the next month are available.The maximum number of people for reservation is 8 (reservations number of people over 8 must be made through phone calls).3. Please make a note if children’s highchairs or children’s dining ware are required.4. If you have made a reservation successfully but need to alter the number of people, please cancel the original reservation directly in the system and make a new reservation in the system.5. If the number of people needs to be changed on the dining day, please attempt to make a new reservation or call to inquire in order to ensure whether or not the reservation has already been altered; suitable seats may not be arranged on-site if we are not informed in advance of the change in the number of people.6. If the desired dining period or number of people for reservation cannot be selected, it means that the period is already fully booked, please choose other dining periods.7. Please note if you have any dietary restrictions or preferenes.8. Please make a reservation directly through telephone if you are ordering Yangtse River Cherry Valley Roasted Duck or any other specific dishes.
瑪黑餐酒光復店 Ochre Grill&Bar 位於大巨蛋商圈旁,隱匿在光復南路巷弄,供應歐陸風格直火料理。空間由本事空間製作所設計,整體偏向優雅摩登風格,室內放入瑪黑家居選品家具更顯質感。座位區珊瑚粉色布面與簇絨圓弧復古座椅,提供私人寓宅般的愜意舒適,呈現輕鬆自在的用餐氛圍。12/23.24.25🎄晚上提供聖誕節專屬菜單,需酌收訂金[選擇12/23~25晚間時段可看到聖誕節菜單]12/31一起跨年吧🎉延長營業時間至凌晨1點,將酌收訂金確保您的座位【營業時間】-午餐12:00-14:30
-晚餐17:30-22:30 【訂位須知】-午餐低消每人$800-晚餐
-網頁可接受 1-4人訂位,超過4人(含4人)須預付訂金300/人,訂金全額可折抵餐費-如需更改人數請提前告知,座位依現場狀況安排調整-如有飲食禁忌請於點餐前告知-本店提供包場服務,如有需求請致電-本店禁帶外食,生日蛋糕除外
【開瓶須知】-葡萄酒酌收開瓶費500元/瓶-烈酒與超過1.5公升葡萄酒酌收開瓶費1000元/瓶【訂金須知】-訂金退款流程為1~14個工作天-三日內取消則退全額,兩日內取消退50%,當日取消則不退還訂金-訂金相關退款事宜,請於15:00-17:00,聯繫02-87716808【結帳須知】-結帳方式:現金、信用卡、Apple Pay、可接受美國運通
Welcome to D&C Residence Godfather Steak Catering"Restaurant Information"Customer service hotline: 02-27059911Public holidays: every MondayBusiness hours: Lunch 12:00-14:30 Dinner 18:00-22:00Customer service email: dncresidence@gmail.comRestaurant address: 1st Floor, No. 33, Lane 52, Siwei Road, Daan District, Taipei City"Basic Consumption"※The menu is a fixed set menuTasting Menu (lunch) starting from $1880/person (dinner) starting from $3980/person-Wine Pairing (3 cups) $900/person (Only Lunch) (4 cups) $1800/person (6 cups) $2400/person-Tea Pairing(3 cups) $1380/person(Only Lunch) (4 cups) $1880/person ※Water fee is additionally $80/person ※The above prices are subject to an additional 10% service fee ※Corking fee 750ml is NTD$ 1,000/bottle 1.5L is NTD$ 2,000/bottle Spirits are NTD$2,000/bottle Bottled wine is also available, please contact the on-site staff for details. Reservation Instructions 1. The restaurant adopts a reservation system and provides reservations within 30 days. Currently, it only accepts official Inline online reservations and telephone reservations. 2. If you need to book a table or a private room for more than 6 people, you need to pay a deposit. Please contact the customer service hotline or customer service email and someone will serve you. 3. If you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies, please inform us 3 days in advance. We will make appropriate arrangements for you. To ensure perfect dining quality, we do not provide vegetarian or gluten-free meals. Please forgive us. 4. Due to safety requirements and dining environment quality considerations, this restaurant does not accept children under 12 years old, and does not provide child seats, meals and tableware. We apologize for any inconvenience caused to you. 5. The restaurant reserves the right to make the final decision to change reservations and ingredients. 6. In case of bad weather or force majeure, the restaurant reserves the right to adjust or cancel its business hours for safety reasons. Box and Private Room Reservation It has an independent private box, allowing guests to fully enjoy a more private dining environment and process. It also provides restaurant private dining services, which can accommodate up to 30 people. It is subject to environmental decoration and special event arrangements. If you need it, you are welcome Contact us and discuss -Banquet for 6 people $27,000 -Banquet for 8 people $36,000 -Banquet for 12 people $54,000 Meal Reminder Due to food hygiene and safety considerations, takeaway service is not available. No outside food or drinks are allowed, except birthday cakes No pets allowed, except guide dogs The restaurant does not provide extra cake services to celebrate holidays, only dessert plates and candles
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