BYO Monday: £5 corkage on any bottle, for maximum value bring a Nebuchadnezzar of Nebbiolo and a Balthazar of Bastardo. Express Menu (2 courses £27, 3 courses £31): Monday - Saturday until 6pm and Sunday after 5pm. Available upon request
Devon Crab on Toast£18.00
cucumber salad
Roasted Scallops£21.00
white port & garlic
Hawksmoor Smoked Salmon£15.00
soda bread
Natural Oysters
- Three£10.50
- Six£21.00
- Dozen£42.00
Half a Native Lobster
with garlic butter
- 100g£9.20
Smoked Mackerel Salad£10.00
new potatoes, watercress, & horseradish
Old Spot Belly Ribs£15.00
vinegar slaw
Potted Beef & Bacon£11.00
with Yorkshires
Fillet Carpaccio£15.00
pickled chestnut mushrooms & parmesan
Bone Marrow with Onions£11.00
sourdough toast
Buttered Asparagus