Villa Maria
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About this restaurant
Additional information
- Dining styleCasual Dining
- Price€30 and under
- CuisinesSteakhouse
- Phone number020 622 3759
- Payment optionsCash Only
- Dress codeSmart Casual
- NeighborhoodApollobuurt
- Parking detailsNone
- Public transitLeidseplein
- AdditionalBeer, Wine
Villa Maria's menu was last updated 2022-02-01.
Sopa de cebollas€5.50
Uiensoep / Onionsoup
Sopa de tomates mejicana€5.70
Con mais, pimientos, quisantes, nachos y queso gratinado / Mexicaanse tomatensoep met mais, paprika, erwtjes, nachos en gegratineerde kaas / Mexican tomato soup with mais, sweet pepper, peas, nachos and cheese gratin
Sopa carbonada€6.20
Argentijnse goulashsoep / Argentinian goulash soup
Sopa de pescado€6.80
Vissoep / Fishsoup
Lomo de buey con aceite de oliva, queso parmesano, alcaparras y piñones / Dun gesneden ossenhaas met olijfolie, parmezaanse kaas, kappertjes, en pijnboompitjes / Fine slices of tenderloin with olive oil, parmesan cheese, pine nuts and capers
Melón con jamón€8.90
Rauwe ham met meloen / Raw ham with melon
Filete de pollo ahumado con mango€9.00
Gerookte kipfilet met mango / Smoked chicken filet with mango
Queso manchego con dragoncillo€9.50
Manchego kaas met tarragon marinade / Manchego cheese with tarragon marinade
Gambas a la parilla con ajo€9.90
Gegrilde gambas met knoflook / Grilled shrimps with garlic
Alitas de pollo marinades€5.50
Gemarineerde kippenvleugels / Spiced chickenwings
Chorizos criollos€6.80
Gegrilde worstjes / Grilled sausages
Empanadas vegetarianas€6.70
Vegetarische pasteitjes / Vegetarian patties
Empanadas de carne€6.90
Argentijnse vleespasteitjes / Argentinian meat patties
Nachos con queso gratinado€6.80
Nachos met kaas gegratineerd / Nachos with cheese gratin
Champiñones al ajillo€8.20
Gebakken champignons met knoflook / Fried mushrooms with garlic
Tapas argentinas€13.20
Variatie van kleine hapjes / Variation of small bites
Ensalada mixta€5.90
Gemengde salade / Mixed salad
De tomates€5.50
Tomaten salade / Tomato salad
Ensalada con pollo€8.50
Salade met gegrilde kip / Salad with grilled chicken
Ensalada con queso de cabra€7.90
Salade met feta kaas / Salad with feta cheese
Ensalada cèsar, con crutones€7.90
Queso parmesano / Cesar salade met crouton en parmezaanse kaas / Caesar salad, with croutons, parmesan cheese
Ensalada Villa Maria para dos€16.20
Con atún, salmón, pollo, queso / Salade Villa Maria voor twee met tonijn, zalm, kip, kaas / Salad Villa Maria for two with tuna, salmon, chicken, cheese
Pan com manteca de ajo y olivas€2.90
Brood met knoflookboter en olijven / Bread with garlic butter and olives
Papas fritas€2.90
Steak frites / Steak fries
Papa asada con crema ácida€2.90
Gepofte aardappel met zure room / Jacked potato with sour cream
Arroz con especias y verduras€2.90
Rijst met specerijen en groenten / Rice with spices and vegetables
Tomate a la parilla€3.20
Gegrilde tomaat / Grilled tomato
Pincho de champiñones€3.20
Champignon spies / Mushrooms on a skewer
Choclo de maís a la parilla€3.80
Gegrilde maïskolf / Grilled corn on the cob
Aros de cebollas fritas€3.80
Gefrituurde uienringen / Deep fried onion rings
Puré de patatas€3.50
Aardappel puree / Mashed potatoes
Pincho de verduras con choclo€4.90
Pimiento, champiñon, cebollas, calabacin y berenjena / Groentespies met mais, ui, paprika, champignon, courgette en aubergine / Veggie skewer with corn, sweet pepper, onion, mushroom, corn en zucchini and eggplant
De tomates€1.90
Tomaten / Tomatos
peper / pepper
knoflook / garlic
champignons / mushrooms
Argentijnse / argentinian
pittige / spicy
barbecue / barbecue
Frites saus, ketchup Mayonaise€1.00
Bife de cuadril / Argentijnse biefstuk
Argentinian rumpsteak
- 200gr.€12.50
- 300gr.€16.80
- 400gr.€20.80
- 500gr.€25.00
Bife de chorizo / Entrecôte
- 200gr.€15.50
- 300gr.€22.50
- 400gr.€27.50
- 500gr.€33.00
Bife ancho / Rib eye
Prime beef
- 200gr.€17.50
- 300gr.€23.50
- 400gr.€28.50
- 500gr.€33.00
Bife de lomo / Ossenhaas
Tenderloin steak
- 200gr.€22.90
- 300gr.€31.50
- 400gr.€38.50
- 500gr.€44.00
Churrasco con hueso
T-bone steak
- 500gr.€32.50
Spare ribs
BBQ / picante / Villa Maria; BBQ / pittig / Villa Maria; BBQ / spicy / Villa Maria
- 500gr.€14.90
Estos platos se sirven con ensalada, papas fritas, arroz o papa asada, Otras guarniciones a un precio algo aumentado / Deze gerechten worden geserveerd met salade, friet, rijst of gepofte aardappel, Andere bijgerechten tegen een meerprijs / These dishes are served with salad, fries, rice or jacked potato, Other side dishes will be charged extra
Pollo al piri-piri€15.90
Kipfilet piri-piri / Chicken filet piri-piri
Pechuga de pollo a la parilla€14.90
Kipfilet v/d grill / Grilled chicken filet
Pincho de pollo con verduras€15.90
Kipspies met groente / Chicken skewer with veggies
Pollo con postilles de cerdo€16.20
Kipfilet met sparerib / Chicken filet with sparerib
Chuletas de cordero a la parilla€19.90
French rack lamskoteletjes / French rack lamb chops
Lomo de credo€15.90
Varkenshaas / Pork filet
Pincho de carne argentina€18.20
Argentijnse vleesspies / Argentinian beef skewer
Tres carnes€26.90
Cuadril, bife de chorizo y lomo / Biefstuk, entrecôte en ossenhaas / Rumpsteak-Sirlionsteak and tenderloin
Tierra y mar / Turf en surf€27.90
Bife de lomo con gambas / Ossenhaas met gambas / Tenderloin steak with shrimps
Parillada mixta para dos€50.90
Costillas de credo, chuleta de cordero, pollo, chorizo, choco de mais y carnes. Tafelgrill voor twee met spareribs, lamskotelette, kip, worst, maïskolf en gevarieerd vlees / Table grill for two with spareribs, lambchop, chicken, sausage, corn on the cob and beef
Gran parillada Villa Maria para dos€64.90
Con 100 gr. lomo/bife de chorizo/cuadril, chorizo, chuleta de cordero, gamba y choco; Tafelgrill met 100 gr. Biefstuk/ossenhaas/entrecôte, worstje, lamskotelette, gamba en maïskolf; Table grill with 100 gr. tenderloin/rumpsteak/sirloinsteak, sausage, lambchop, shrimp and corn on the cob
Bife a caballo 250 gr.€23.50
Cuadril con huevos fritos / Biefstuk met gebakken eieren / Rumpsteak with fried eggs
Bifes chicos de lomo con salsa 180 gr.€25.90
Kleine ossenhaas steaks met saus / Small tenderloin steaks with sauce
Lomo con salsa 200 gr.€27.90
Con salsa de pimienta o de champiñones / Ossenhaas 200 gr. met peper-of champignonsaus / Tenderloin steak 200 gr. with pepper- or mushroom sauce
Bife ancho con salsa 200 grms.€24.20
Con salsa de champiñones o pimienta / Rib eye met peper - of champignonsaus / Prime beef 200 gr. with pepper - or mushroom sauce
Combinación Villa Maria€29.90
150 gr. lomo, 150 gr. bife de chorizo con tomate y pimiento a la parilla / 150 gr. ossenhaas, 150 gr. entrecôte, tomaat en paprika v/d grill / 150 gr. tenderloin, 150 gr. sirloin, grilled tomato and sweet pepper
Fajitas de carne€20.50
Carne de buey frita con pimientos, champiñones y cebollas, servidos con tortillas de mais, queso, guacamole y crema ácida / Gebakken rundvlees met paprika, uien, champignons, geserveerd met mais tortillas, kaas, guacamole en zure room / Fried beef with sweet pepper, mushroom, onions, served with corn tortillas, sour cream and guacamole
Fajitas de poll€18.50
Como arriba, pero con pollo / als boven, met kip / As above, with chicken
Estos platos van servidos con guarnición como los completos / Deze gerechten worden compleet geserveerd met bijgerechten / These dishes are served with side dishes as the complete dishes
Salmón a la parilla€19.00
Gegrilde zalmfilet / Grilled salmon filet
Atún a la parilla€17.50
Gegrilde tonijn / Grilled tuna
Pez espada a la parilla€18.00
Zwaardvis / Sword fish
Gambas al ajo€23.50
Grote gambas met knoflook / Big shrimps with garlic
Calamares a la parilla€15.90
Gegrilde pijlinktvis / Grilled squid
Barna a la parilla€21.50
Zeebaars / Seabass
Real dorada a la parilla€21.50
Dorade royale / Dorade royale
Trucha a la parilla€17.90
Forel / Trout
Parillada de pescado
Salmón, atún, gamba, calamar y choclo de mais / Tafelgrill met zalm, tonijn, gamba, inktvis en maïskolf / Tablegrill with salmon, tuna, shrimp, squid and corn on the cob
- p/p€27.00
Tarta de verduras€13.90
Quiche con vegetales / Gronte quiche / Vegetable quiche
Plato vegetariano de la casa€16.90
Con ensalada, pincho de verduras, verduras cocidas y papa asada / Met salade, groentespies, gekookte groenten en gepofte aardappel / With salad, vegetable skewer, boiled veggie's and jacked potato
Portión de verduras€6.90
Portie groenten / Portion of vegetable
Champiñones y cebollas fritas€8.50
Gebakken ui en champignons / Fried onions and mushrooms
Para los pequeños casi todos los€10.90
Platos se pueden servir en portiones reducidas, con ensalada, fritas, compota de manzana y postre / Voor de kleintjes kunnen wij bijna alle gerechten in gereduceerde porties maken, met salade, friet, appelmoes en dessert / For the little ones we can make smaller portions, with salad, fries, apple sauce and dessert
Para los que comen poco podemos servir€10.90
Portiones reducidas de casi todos los platos con ensalada, fritas y postre / Voor de kleine eters maken we aangepaste porties van bijna alle gerechten, met salade, friet en dessert / For those who eat little we can serve almost every dish in smaller portions, with salad, fries and dessert
What 28 people are saying
Villa Maria reviews from people who’ve dined at this restaurant. Based on recent rating.
Overall ratings and reviews
Reviews can only be made by diners who have eaten at this restaurant
- 4.2Food
- 4.5Service
- 3.8Ambience
- 3.9Value
Noise • Moderate
Review summary
At present, Villa Maria has no reviews. Please add a review after your dining experience to help others make a decision about where to eat.
Villa Maria does offer delivery in partnership with Deliveroo.
Villa Maria is rated 4.2 stars by 28 OpenTable diners.
Yes, you can generally book this restaurant by choosing the date, time and party size on OpenTable.
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Lange Leidsedwarsstraat 45, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland 1017 NG
Additional information
- NeighborhoodApollobuurt
- Price€30 and under
- CuisinesSteakhouse
- Dining styleCasual Dining
- Dress codeSmart Casual
- Parking detailsNone
- Public transitLeidseplein
- Payment optionsCash Only
- AdditionalBeer, Wine
- Phone number020 622 3759