The S٤wasser in Hamburg boasts a welcoming and gorgeous atmosphere. While eating at the S٤wasser, guests enjoy a busy boat-filled waterfront view as well as proximity to the Elbe tunnel. The building itself is quite old, built in 1858, so it is a lovely historical experience.
Come to the SŸ§wasser to choose from various North Sea plaice entrŽes served with capers, vanilla and more. There are also entrŽes featuring delicacies such as braised ox cheeks, labskaus and fig dumplings. This is the perfect place to find great cuisine and lots of North Sea culture.
Sie können entweder im Museumshafen Övelgönne oder auf der Elbchaussee parken. Vom Museumshafen sind es ca. 150m Fußweg Richtung Elbstrand. Von der Elbchaussee gelangen Sie über den idyllischen Schulberg (auf Höhe der Elbchaussee 186) zu Fuß ins Süßwasser.
Payment options
Eurocheque Card, Mastercard, Visa
Private dining
Restaurant Süßwasser's menu was last updated 2022-02-01.